August 6 - "Shoulder taps"

I realized that I was much more in tune with God when I was suffering mightily, worried for my wife who was at my side and worried about my family and the practice. Many times, I countinually prayed while I was able to. As I recovered and was more ambulatory and came home, the 'static' of this world started coming back. With the worldly distractions we all experience, I felt like I got out of TOUCH with that 'quiet voice' of the Holy Spirit and God who miraculously brought me to this point today.  Before I go further, I want you to watch this video by Bill Hart and his experience with (what he calls) "Shoulder Taps".

Click on the image above to watch the short video.

I want to thank all of you, who have listened to that quiet voice (shoulder tap) from God.  In doing so, I have been blessed by your words of encouragement, your cards, your meals, your events and financial support.  We were made to be with others and connected to them.  An obvious demonstration of this is Adam and Eve.  When God had created Adam, HE knew Adam needed a companion, Eve.

We are on this earth to use our gifts that God has given us to help others.  Your actions have helped Jan and I weather tremendous challenges.  THANK YOU and may God bless you.

On the MDS side, I have finished the Primaxin IV infusions of two weeks and the cough that has hounded me since early April (pseudomonas bronchitis) is GONE!  I still continue to see patients each day on a limited basis despite fatigue and the the side effects of the medications. The cytomegalovirus is one of the culprits and along with the antiviral, still keeps me 'transfusion dependent'.  Last Thursday, I received 2 units of red blood cells, 1 unit of platelets and Neupogen to get my blood cells out of the critical low range.  But, you know what, seeing you all who are my friends and patients is like a 'shot in the arm'  (or like a shoulder tap!).

Now get out there and wait for that quiet voice of the Holy Spirit (a.k.a. Shoulder Tap -- thanks Bill Hart!)

(Thanks to Jan Bradd for hooking me up with the "Shoulder Taps" YouTube video) - I love you!)


  1. Glad youre doing so well Dr. Bradd. Cant wait to see you again and catch up at my appointment next month. Thank you for fixing things for me today as well being on call. I know god is watching over you and your family always. Constant prayers to you & youre family ������

    -Adrienne Hickerson

  2. It is great to see you back at work and how you continue to help all of us by sharing things like this. You are amazing.

  3. Thank you for this inspirational post, Bill Hart video, and devotion to continuing care for others, Dr. Bradd! As mentioned above, you (and Jan) are amazing.

  4. Your life and connections are an inspiration to all. Keep the faith my friend.

  5. Your mission and Journey continue to inspire. Turning the pages, each chapter in a beautiful place, prepares for the next.


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