July 16 - 97 days post-transplant - Busy!

Wow! Has it been that long...One month since the last blog post.  In my defense, though, I've been busy!

The last 3 weeks I have been in the office on a very limited basis.  To those that were rescheduled due to some medical problems I had, I apologize.

Two weekends ago, I started with some chest pain which got worse AND mimicked the same pain that I had when I had pericarditis back in March.  After a stay at the local hospital, I was subsequently transferred by ambulance to Johns Hopkins.  The good news is that once I got on some prednisone (can't use ibuprofen or colchicine due to post-transplant), the need to use morphine for the pain subsided.  Their best guess is that I had a recurrence of the pericarditis which was caught early (the echocardiogram didn't show any pericardial effusion [fluid]).  Back home on that Monday 2 weeks ago. (2 day stay at the hospital)

Another challenge is the pseudomonas bronchitis.  A culture was done and showed that this bacteria is resistant to all oral medications (unlike the culture in May).  After consultations and with the help of Dr. Gemma, I am getting an IV antibiotic (Primaxin) at home.  The hassle is that it is every 6 hours. (6-12-6-12).  Jan (or I) mix the antibiotic, put it in the delivery device and infuse the antibiotic over 30 minutes.  Missing some sleep but it just may be working after 3 days of the 14 days I need to use it!  At least I don't have to be in the hospital for the IV antibiotics.

Here is the pump (looks like a water balloon) which delivers the PRIMAXIN over 30 minutes

Still going Mondays to Winchester MC Infusion Center for transfusions of either/both platelets and red cells and then going to Hopkins on Thursdays for lab, Doctor/NP visit and then transfusions there if needed. In some ways, we (Jan and I) are just as busy as we were in Baltimore ... But at least we are home.

Oh, yeah, and BTW, I am also neutropenic (low white blood cell counts) again (thanks antiviral medication!) - Getting Neupogen to stimulate the white blood cells.  The Neupogen really sets me back each time I get it.  Bone pain and general malaise.  Happily, Claritin seems to help along with Tylenol.  Due to the first couple of doses of Neupogen, I did miss some office days ---  Sorry!

Again, we appreciate the prayers which include the prayer that the valganciclovir would work for the CMV virus (since both affect the bone marrow).  The prayer that the antibiotic would work and that my need for transfusions resolves.

Have a nice week and may God bless you!


  1. Prayers for health, peace and strength for you and your family!

  2. Continuing to keep you in our prayers. Happy you can be home. If you can’t be at the office, so be it. Your continued improvement and health are so much more important. Thank you for the update.

  3. Tripp--you and the family have been on an unwelcome ride. Karin and I continue to lift you up and you should know that the UMM's Tuesday breakfast gathering has you in our prayers every week.


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