March 30 - Chemo almost done

The first course of azacitidine is almost done.  One more day left (Friday) and then a month's break! Getting 2 shots (150mg total) in the subcutaneous tissue each day.  They've been pretty accommodating at the cancer center.  I realize that they don't mix up the chemo beforehand since if the patient doesn't show, they're out a lot of money since this therapy is expensive.  But... wouldn't it be nice to just come in, get the injection and go?   The first set of injections were in my arms and that last 3 were in my abdomen.  It's, I guess, a blessing that I have not been active and exercising (from the fatigue).  As a result, I have a little more 'insulation' over my abdomen!

I looked at my abdomen after the shower and you would've thought I was getting vaccinated for rabies with the old vaccine (equine serum) which were delivered to the abdomen in a series which was not very pleasant at all!  However, the injections take about 3 minutes each and if it wasn't for the swelling, redness, mild pain/itch at each site, it would not be too bad.  Fatigue and some anorexia/nausea are the real drain on me...

Jan as usual is a real trooper.  I find myself praying more for my wife and family than I ever have... They seem to have peace  (at least that's my prayer....)

I appreciate Nick Gemma's reply on IV vs SQ (he said the SQ was just as efficacious!).  Probably a good idea to keep the veins more pristine in case of more serious therapy later!


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