March 23 - Review of the results

Sat down with (Dr) Nick Gemma with Jan this afternoon.  The results show:
Myelodysplasia - this beats a lot of other possibilities - More info on Myelodysplasia
So... this is a low grade cancer of the bone marrow.  It isn't multiple myeloma, leukemia or lymphoma.

Fortunately, the genetic markers done (during the bone marrow) are all without deletions, monosomies, trisomies and so I have a favorable prognosis.  I do have the following genetic marker: IDH2 p.Arg172Lys

Course of treatment - initially chemotherapy - Azacitidine IV (for now) - 5 days in a row for one week of each month - we will see how this works. After a time, we'll get another bone marrow biopsy to see how it has helped (or not).  Nick Gemma thinks it may help my fatigue (and decreased exercise performance!) by allowing the normal cell lines to make a come back (red cells [primarily], white cells, platelets.  I start this coming Monday, March 27!  Prayers are most appreciated!!!


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