May 29 - Out of the hospital
It is good to be out of hospital after being in 47 days! Out of the hospital now 7 days and good to be back with my wife and not having to 'survive' each day in the hospital. Now, each day I go to IPOP (the unit called "Inpatient/outpatient"). Lab drawn and any needs addressed from tranfusions to getting IV electrolytes, etc. Progressing each day. I am very deconditioned. I am regaining strength slowly each day. Currently getting over Graft vs Host disease. A frequent complication where the donor cell are still 'attacking me'. It is fine line since there should some GvH disease which helps the donor's cells 'get rid' of my cancerous cells. Taking high dose steroids but that's the price to pay to get over the GvH disease. Engraftment has occurred! Effectively, this means that Erika's stem cells have established. So...Erika's stem cells are currently producing the white blood cells. The other cell line...