April 10 - T - 0 - Launch
I am sorry that I have not posted in the 3-4 days (haven't had my usual computer resouces). During this time, I've been in the hopital. On Satuday, a dry cough was worse and I had a fever 102.7. Turns out I had rhinovirus (a little more malicious in someone with no immune system) which led to a L lobe pneumococcal pneumonia. Triple antibiotic therapy. O2 support. Slowly better. As soon as yesterday, they were just about ready to cancel Erika's peripheral stem cell harvest because they thought I was too sick! Then at the last moment, they recounted. I would have felt VERY bad for Erika who had been self-injecting Neupogen for the 5 days prior (with all the side effects). Yesterday, as I mentioned, we moved forward although I am still sick and received the Total Body Irradiation. 7 minutes on one side and I was flipped to get the 7 minutes. Strange, face felt like a sun-overexposure and last that night my mouth had membranes (much...