April 28 - Chemo done... Again...
Sorry for late entry. The chemotherapy last week was just a 'grind' -- I saw patients all last week but just tired and the injections in the abdomen... well, it's getting old. But, again, a lot to be thankful for! On Monday last week (April 24) my ANC (absolute white count) was 480. For those who know, this means my white count to fight infection was very low. Our great staff reminded me to "mask up" (with my glasses) on for those folks who have respiratory infections. A disappointment last week was the fact that (Jan and) I had to bail on going this past weekend (4/28-30) to Las Vegas for the research meeting with PPRNet (Primary care Practice Research Network)*. Was hoping to catch a meal and a show with Jan on Saturday night before heading back on Sunday. Sometimes, you gotta listen to that quiet voice of wisdom (a.k.a the Holy Spirit) when loved ones expressed concern over the travel. Well, after prayer, I listed. T...